About Me

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I was raised in Southern California by my very hardworking first generation Korean parents. I graduated from University of CA, San Diego in early 2007 and instead of pursuing more education or finding a suitable 9-5 career like my traditional parents raised me to do, I decided my newly found love for snowboarding would direct me to pack up my things and I moved to Breckenridge, Colorado. I snowboarded Colorado for three winters and surf-traveled parts of the world during the off seasons. After those wonderful years, I decided to leave snowboarding and start up a relationship with surfing again but this time in a completely different setting. This is why I'm currently living in Southern Taiwan, surfing everyday and teaching English part time to support my love affair. I love board sports and I love to travel. Life's grand when the two go hand in hand.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Not Too Far Away a Waterfall (on the Seven Falls near Jialeshuei)

   I'm a little ashamed to say this but just recently Chris and I finally checked out some waterfalls that we live by.  Chris's sister, Adrienne is visiting us and we took the opportunity to see what the waterfalls were all about.   The one we went to is called, well, I forgot the Chinese name already but it's translated as the "Seven Falls".  We had heard that there were waterfalls nearby but we assumed that it was maybe a small waterfall and not really worth seeing.  We were pleasantly surprised to find that it's actually quite nice and a good hike to get to the top of the falls.  It's steep so there are a lot of ropes that are attached to trees that are there so you can climb up and sorta rappel down. 

There are several pools that you can jump into from some boulders so that was really fun too.  Unfortunately, it hadn't rained in a while so there was only one that was deep enough at the time. 
Pool in the background

Overall, the whole hike took less than an hour and that was because we were stopping along the way as well.  So not a long hike, just steep.  It was overall a good break from surfing and the scenery was beautiful.
This is a spider we saw on our way down.  You can't tell but it was huge! About the size of my open hand.

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