About Me

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I was raised in Southern California by my very hardworking first generation Korean parents. I graduated from University of CA, San Diego in early 2007 and instead of pursuing more education or finding a suitable 9-5 career like my traditional parents raised me to do, I decided my newly found love for snowboarding would direct me to pack up my things and I moved to Breckenridge, Colorado. I snowboarded Colorado for three winters and surf-traveled parts of the world during the off seasons. After those wonderful years, I decided to leave snowboarding and start up a relationship with surfing again but this time in a completely different setting. This is why I'm currently living in Southern Taiwan, surfing everyday and teaching English part time to support my love affair. I love board sports and I love to travel. Life's grand when the two go hand in hand.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Creature on my Bra (on finding a creature on my bra)

Guess what's under the bowl...

   Chris and I haven't had a permanent home since we've lived in Taiwan and I like to think that we've been pretty laid back about our living situation.  After all I'm starting to think that normal things such as a closet are a foreign concept.  My closet is the floor space next to my bed and I have all of my clothes semi-neatly folded in a pile.  The top, removable part of my big backpack for the past eight months or a plastic bag has served as my "underwear drawer".  
   So this morning, I was rummaging through my underwear drawer/bag this morning and grabbed a bra. I glimpsed a small, black thing and my first initial reaction was to yelp and throw the bra across the room.  I was convinced it was a monster cockroach and was half expecting it to scurry across the floor.  When I didn't see anything I picked my bra up again and was shocked to find that it was a small fruit bat making itself comfortable.
   My first thought was, "Where's my camera??"  Then I was disappointed to realize that Chris took it with him to Taipei this morning so I was out a camera.  My next thought was trying to to figure a way get rid of the thing.  I walked over to my neighbor's house to ask her if she had any bat removal ideas.  She handed me a pair of tongs... funny girl.  The prospect of trying to grab a bat with a pair of tongs didn't seem very agreeable, I decided that I would cover it with a bowl and slide something under it.
   When I got back to my room I was horrified to realize that it was gone.  I realized that the bat could be anywhere and I didn't feel comfortable knowing that there was a bat somewhere in my room.  After twenty minutes of cautiously searching underneath my clothes I found it sleeping under my backpack.
I woke it back up by slowly lifting the pack and gingerly put a bowl over it, slowly sliding a newspaper under it.  It didn't fly around  like a crazy bat like I thought it would, instead it sorta squeaked a few times.  I took it outside still disappointed that I didn't have my camera when a brilliant idea came to me.  I could use the webcam on my laptop!
I caught a bat!
I was disappointed that this brilliant idea didn't surface when I found the bat on my bra.  That would've been a great picture.  Oh well.  
       I was surprised to find that the bat didn't try to fly away and instead just crawled around slowly.  I was able to lift the bowl up all the way. 

    Since I am no bat expert, I figured that I could leave it on the patio and it would eventually fly away.  I went for a surf and when I came back, I was surprised to find that the bat was still there, except it wasn't moving at all.  Then I saw that there were ants all over it.  
I feel horrible, I killed a bat.  I wonder how I did that... I tried searching the internet but I couldn't figure it out.  I just figured it would find another shady spot and fall asleep again.  
Needless to say, disposing of a dead bat was really hard for me and I really hope I never have to do that again.

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